My life has pretty much consisted of playing the bass, school, internship, and trying to keep up with the awesomeness that is my family.
A few of my friends and I didn't get asked to prom so we had our own dance. Tacky pictures and Just Dance making it way more fun than the actual dance was.
As I mentioned before I am doing an internship. I am an engineering intern at Chromalox, Inc. I do whatever the engineers tell me to do. Most often that means that I am making 3D computer models of the heating elements. I just started doing the calculations for flanges. Which basically means that I do math to figure out how thick to make something so it doesn't explode.
I even have an official badge. Also, random fact, one of the engineers used to run with Kristi. He remembered me being at the track meets because he thought it was weird that someone in high school would have such a young sibling.
In January I got the opportunity to play in the Utah All State Orchestra. It was awesome! Two full days of playing the bass without anyone telling me to stop. It was so cool to play with so many talented musicians.On the second day we had 8 almost continuous hours of rehearsal. I loved it! and what made it even better was that we performed in Abravenel Hall on my birthday!